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Silver Flats: Comfortable & Chic

I have always been one of those women that was most comfortable in high heels. That sounds quite contradictory when high heels tend to be uncomfortable and even painful. The reason why I could never imagine myself going out in public in flats {unless I’m off to the beach or getting groceries} was due to the lack of height. At 5’1, like many other petite women, I look for shoes that will add a little extra height, so flat shoes were naturally never a priority.

As I grew older, I stopped thinking so much about my height and comfort definitely became a priority in many different situations. I remember thinking how lucky tall girls were because there were so many cute flat models, and they were even comfortable – something I am sure many tall girls, who wish to be shorter, have also thought about when it comes to high heels.

None the less, my shoe collection has expanded to including lots of flat shoes like ballerina flats and sneakers. I am particularly fond of flats that stand out and have a very different feel to them by maybe having a fun print or like in this case, a fun color. These silver flats will make your black outfit a bit more glamorous and exclusive as opposed to choosing a pair of black flats. The silver flats above are designed by Maloles and Studio Paloma and that I love about these flats is the fact that these can easily fit in a handbag and be taken out during the day when your feet need a little break! What do you think of these flats?

How To Wear Red Jeans

Blue jeans have been an American staple since Levi’s took over the 50’s. However, red jeans have not had the same fate. They looked punk in the 80’s, disappeared in the 90’s, but now they’re back and they’re as chic as ever.

Red jeans have been making its way in and out of the fashion scene for months now, but celebrity fashionistas are catching them on!

Interestingly enough we see a strong recurring combination of the jeans with blazer, cotton top, leather boots and angular sunglasses on all of these lovely ladies. Black is also everyone’s favorite.

Because red is such a standalone color, the easiest way to wear it is to let it stand out against neutral colors. Blacks and greys are safe but the old fashion rule to wear only one strong color is on its way out. For a wild card outfit, tuck a mint green sleeveless chiffon button down or top the jeans off with an equally colorful blazer. It will soon be spring time after all.

Little White Dress

When it comes to women’s fashion there are some fashion classics that never go out of style and that we often hear all women should have. The little black dress is probably one of the most popular amongst these items, however a couple of summers ago the little white dress was introduced as an item just as important as the little black dress. This season the so called LWD is hotter than ever and here are some of my favorites from this trend!

To me, just like with other classic fashion items, quality is a virtue, which is why I would like to own a little white dress that’s classic, yet modern in its form and designed with quality in mind so I can wear it over and over again. Many tend to stay away from white for different reasons, but I love wearing a little white dress, a pair of brown leather sandals and a denim jacket accessorized with a small across-body bag in summer time. It’s the perfect summer outfit for a relaxing day!
